By the way, take a look at my flickr account


By the way, take a look at my flickr account

I rarely post the same photos here and there.

Dedicated to  this beautiful photo blog, although it has been quite some time since the last post:

vg 284 col 03 London 2004 vg 290 col 05 London 2004 vg 290 col 10 London 2004

And check this interesting video about facebook:

12 thoughts on “By the way, take a look at my flickr account

  1. wow that veritasium video about Facebook is awesome. I knew that fb was charging people to promote – but had no idea of the confused roles among creator, advertiser, and viewer….. thanks for that

    • The least I can do! And it would be rather silly just to re-post it on my facebook page. I always thought there is something fishy, apart from the downright wrong that gives permission to facebook (when you press ACCEPT, during sign up) to sell whatever content you put up, without compensation or release from the owner. Your name, photos, videos, personal info, all for sale!

  2. and what a fun series of photos today – the joy of the girl, and then my favorite one format today – the cabs not he bridge and one on the way below – so much going on in that cool shot – but mostly love the perpendicular feel of the lines with the yellow cabs – and the street stuff and then the graffiti art!

    The other striking photo for me was the last one – with the cheap mini van below “The Money” sign – which is all amidst that grand architecture – with the strong and well built stoned arches making a tunnel = to then look down and see the sloppy double yellow lines on the ground = a small reminder of the sloppiness that permeates some of culture these days….

    • Oh, I really have a love-hate relation with cabs. They represent hurry and paying heavily for it. And then they represent an idea of comfort that sometimes is lost in Greek taxis due to the heavy traffic or the peculiar driver. Sometimes it is an adventure to chose a cab! Always good as a memory, after it is over… 😉

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