Is it the model or the photographer that makes the photo?

Is it the model or the photographer that makes the photo?

Let’s try it once more.
Sharing the view of the photographer.

4 thoughts on “Is it the model or the photographer that makes the photo?

    • Thank you for noticing. It is true. Even though I have made nudes before, the last couple of months I have been given the chance of a workshop in nude photography, and since there was demand for immediate results, I couldn’t devote time to the rest of my work and used photos from the workshop instead. I usually give more time to the photos to sink in and work (some times many months and even years) but these ones had to be rushed in less than 1-3 weeks, so probably that caused the contradiction. However, since I use my archive when I don’t have time to post new photos, this may cause an inconsistency as well. I have been meaning to ask you, how is your workflow, how much time passes between shooting and posting. I rarely post photos right after shooting, both because I am too emotionally attached to them and because I don’t have any time to go through them at a daily basis. But even when I had the time I usually let them for months before making the first selection. How does it work for you?

      • For me, it’s quite the opposite. When I’m out there to do a rather irrelevant professional shooting, I always take along my fuji x100s. When I notice something intriguing, when I’m astonished or touched by something, I stop my van and I start to invest some time, investigating the thing, the situation, the person, the source of my astonishment. It’s even easier while cycling, and certainly less dangerous.
        I always process my pictures instantly, using lightroom 5. And I cannot wait to publish those.
        I have a whole series of ‘spare’ posts.
        After posting I mostly feel emotionally no longer attached to the pictures. In other words : I appreciate those pictures as ‘journalistc’. The images live for a few days and will then disappear.
        The only trace is a ‘blog2print’ book I usually make.
        That’s it.

        • Thank you for your reply! A different approach, alright! But your results are stunning! I always have two cameras with me, one digital, one film and I take photos all the time, usually between work, and obligations. It could have been a diary of my “in between” life, and that is why I hold back, so that I can reveal what can be interesting for more people, than just me, hopefully universal.

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